Friday, March 12, 2010

In the Hospital to Stay

As mentioned in the previous post, I was placed on bedrest Dec. 23rd and I did very well and followed doctor's orders. This was hard for me as I am the type of person who is always on the go and has something to do. I have a very hard time sitting still for any length of time. On Sunday Dec 27th shortly after my parents left from their weekend visit, I just wasn't feeling right and decided to call and speak with the on-call doctor. He decided I should come in and get checked out to make sure everything was okay. I checked into the hospital at 4:30pm and was placed in a birthing room and put on several monitors. They took a few fluid samples, started an IV and antibiotics (just in case I was starting to get an infection) and tried to keep me comfortable while waiting on test results. The nurse and doctor came in a few hours later and said all tests came back fine but they wanted to keep me overnight for observation. So, finally at 9:00pm they told hubby he could go get me something for dinner as I hadn't had anything to eat since our late breakfast. The nurse came back and administered some more antibiotics as well as a steroid shot (to boost baby's lungs) just in case he delivered early. Since part of the reason I was on bedrest was due to high blood pressure, they checked this every hour. I didn't sleep well at all that night for alot of different reasons. The next morning the nurse came in around 7:30am and said I didn't have any noticeable contractions and so they were going to release me to go back home and take it easy. This was Monday morning so my doctor was filled in on the happenings from the day/night before and came in to see me. Ric had gone into work at 6:00am with plans to come pick me up around noon. As I was awaiting discharge from the hospital, the nurse needed to move me out of the birthing room for a patient that was actually giving birth so around 11:00am she had me get up out of bed to walk down the hall to a post delivery room - and that is when everything changed! My water BROKE! I crawled back in bed and my doctor was notified immediately. They did go ahead and move me to the post delivery room since they still had another baby to deliver and shortly after getting settled my doctor came in to see me. By that time, it was shortly after noon and the contractions started - approx 6 minutes apart. My doctor said his hopes were the contractions would stop or stay slight and that we could delay delivery for up to a week...but he said I wasn't leaving the hospital pregnant. I was there to stay until delivery. At that point I was dilated to a 2 and they administered another steroid shot. As the day went on in what seemed liked minutes, the contractions were getting stronger and closer together. When I was dilated to a 3-4 they moved me back into a birthing room since it was obvious our son was not going to wait a week to make his entrance. The contractions continued to get stronger and closer together and by this point my parents had made it back to town and just in time. My contractions were then right on top of each other and I was dilated to a 6-7. Within what seemed like minutes, I received the epidural (although given later than what they planned b/c of a c-section happening in the next room, totally the way to go in my opinion) and was prepped for delivery. A short time later, our son was born.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but I wanted his birth story to be shared (and believe it or not, this is the shortened version)
To be continued...

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